File handling is an important concept to learn in any Programming language. It allows a programmer to get the textual data from a text file and use it in the program for manipulation and data presentation. In this post we will share a project using File Handling in Python.
Problem Statement
Consider an organization which executes website development projects for their clients. Employees are employed on these projects. The data about Project titles, Project IDs, Employees and Employees working on Projects are provided in a text file. The first 10 entries in the given text file are Project Titles. Next 6 entries are the name of the employees.
Amazon Welber Mills Zenith Carving Neil Boutique Medusa Eyes Beauty Saloon Remedy Medicos Creative Fingers Eating House Smile and Click photgraphy Helping Hands Grocery Fresh and Fine fruit shop Smirk Smile Corrector Rita Hoggins Amelia Grosh Helen Brundy Hosh Yeets Jake Adams Blue Greene 1001 1002 1003 2001 2002 3001 3002 3003 4001 4002 0010010101 0100111101 1110001100 0000000000 0110110100 1010100001
Project IDs are given in next 10 records and last 6 entries are strings of 10 characters with 0s and 1s. One such string defines the assignment of the project by setting 1 at the positional index representing a project.
For example 0010010101- defines that Rita Hoggins works on projects – Neil Boutique(Project ID 1003), Creative Fingers Eating House(Project ID 3001), Helping Hands Grocery(Project ID 3003), Smirk Smile Corrector(Project ID 4002).
The program is created by reading the text file “projects.txt” and creating arrays for Project Titles, Project IDs, Employee Names and Project and Employees mapping.
File Handling Python code Features
The program is a menu-driven application that displays the activities that can be performed by a user. A user chooses an option by entering the choice as a number.
This file handling project covers the following queries:
- Display title of a Project Title when user enters the Project ID
- Display Project ID of a project when user enters the Project Title
- Display Employees working on a project with given Project ID
- Display the list of all Projects on which an employee is working
- Display Employees who are working on a given number of projects
- Display All Projects and their IDs
- Display all Details stored in the text file in a tabular format.
If a user enters a wrong Project ID or Employee Name or project Name, the message is displayed about the wrong entry. The exceptions are handled using try, except statement of Python.
Code for File Handling Project in Python
fh= open("projects.txt","r")#open file in read mode; # Read the file an store as string txtArr=curtext.split("\n")#Split string at new line feeds #declare arrays Projects=[] ProjID=[] ProjEmp=[] ProjAss=[] txtAss="" proj="\t" #fill array with projects, Project ID, Project member details for i in range(10): Projects.append(txtArr[i]) for i in range(10, 16,1): ProjEmp.append(txtArr[i]) for i in range(16,26,1): ProjID.append(txtArr[i]) for i in range(26,32,1): ProjAss.append(txtArr[i]) ch=0 while ch<8: #create Menu and Read option entered print("___________________________________________________________ ") print("Menu.. ") print("___________________________________________________________ ") print("1. Display Project Title by Project ID") print("2. Display Project ID by Project Title") print("3. Display Employees working on a project with given ID") print("4. Display Projects an employee is working ") print("5. Display Employees working on X number of projects") print("6. Display All Projects with IDs") print("7. Display all Details") print("8. Exit Program") ch=int(input("enter your choice--->")) if (ch<0 or ch>7): print("Wrong Choice") ch=1 continue if ch==1: projID=input("Enter Project ID--->") try: print(Projects[ProjID.index(projID)]) except ValueError: print("No such project ID exists") if ch==2: projName=input("Enter Project Name--->") try: print(ProjID[Projects.index(projName)]) except ValueError: print("No such project Name exists") if ch==3: empNames="" projID=input("Enter Project ID--->") try: pind= ProjID.index(projID) except ValueError: print("No such project ID exists") continue for i in range(len(ProjEmp)): pa=ProjAss[i] if pa[pind]=='1': empNames=empNames+(ProjEmp[i])+"," if empNames=="": print("No One is Working on this project") else: print(empNames[0:len(empNames)-1]) if ch==4: eind="" proNames="" empName=input("Enter Employee Name--->") try: eind= ProjEmp.index(empName) except ValueError: print("No Employee with this name exists") continue for i in range(len(Projects)): el=ProjAss[eind] if el[i]=='1': proNames=proNames+(Projects[i])+"," if proNames=="": print("No Project Assigned") else: print(proNames[0:len(proNames)-1]) if ch==5: proNames="" empCnt=int(input("Enter count of projects--->")) cnt=0 for i in range(len(ProjEmp)): premp=ProjAss[i] cnt=0 for j in range(len(Projects)): if premp[j]=='1': cnt=cnt+1 if cnt==empCnt: proNames=proNames+(ProjEmp[i])+"," if proNames=="": print("Data Not Available") else: print(proNames[0:len(proNames)-1]) if ch==6: #Display all project IDs in First Row and names in second row for i in range(len(ProjID)): print(ProjID[i]+"\t"+Projects[i]) if ch==7: #Display all project IDs in First Row for i in range(len(ProjID)): proj=proj+ProjID[i]+"\t" #Display Employees and projects they are working on print("\t"+proj) txtpp="\t" for i in range(len(ProjEmp)): txtAss=ProjAss[i] txtAss=txtAss.replace("1","Y\t") txtAss=txtAss.replace("0","N\t") print(ProjEmp[i]+"\t"+txtAss)
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