Development of Clinical Test Lab -Mini Project in VB.NET is divided into four tasks
- Database creation
- Form designing using VB.NET textbox, Lable, Combobox, List, Button and Datagrid
- Coding the forms to create data entry forms
- Adding printable and viewable data reports using DataReport in VB.NET.
Step 1- Database for Mini Project in VB.NET on Medical Test Lab
So let’s begin with the first step. Here is the database that I have created in Microsoft Access 2007. You can use higher versions of Microsoft Access to create the database. The provider “Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0”will be the same for Access 2007 and higher versions. If you are using lower versions of Microsoft Access 2003, use “Microsoft.Jet.Oledb.4.0” as provider
Table- TestMaster
This table stores data of all the tests conducted in the Clinical Lab. This table includes a Test ID, Description of the test, Category of the tests. It also saves the test charges and the normal test reading for a healthy person.
Table -PatientMaster
This table stores the details about the patients who come to the clinical lab for medical test. It includes includes Patient Id (Which is used for identifying patient if she comes next time) and patient name. Other fields are address of patient, email ID, phone number and date of registration of the patient in the Clinical Lab.
Table- PatientTest
This table is used to store all the details of tests conducted for a registered patient. It has TID for test transaction ID which is unique for test conducted on a specific TDate (Test Date) for a patient identified by PID ( patient ID). Other details are Doctor Name who recommended the patient tests, his clinic name and contact number. The table stores the total billing amount for the tests conducted, the advance amount paid and the balance amount.
Table –PatientTestDetail
This table contains the data about the tests conducted for the patient against one TID. It includes TestID (from TestMaster), Test Charges and the results of the Tests conducted.
Relationship Diagram
Step 2 – Data Entry Screens Designing
The following data entry forms are created given in images along with the control names used in coding
Test Master
This data entry screen allows adding, updating, deleting and browsing of the “Tests” records of the clinical lab. As soon as a user adds a new test record by entering the values and clicking “Save” the test ID and Test Description is added to the list shown. The TestID is generated automatically and displayed by incrementing the largest Test ID available in TestMaster table. Categories are listed in the combobox. When a user select one test name from the listbox the details are displayed in the form entry controls. The displayed data can be modified and updated by clicking “Update” Button. A test details can also be deleted by clicking “Delete” Button.
Patient Master
This data entry screen allows adding, updating, deleting and browsing the “Patient” records of the clinical lab. As soon as a user adds a new Patient record by entering the values and clicking “Save” the Patient ID and Patient Name is added to the list shown. The PID is generated automatically and displayed by incrementing the largest Patient ID available in PatientMaster table. When a user select one Patient name from the listbox the details are displayed in the form entry controls and the “Update” button is enabled. The displayed data can be modified and updated by clicking “Update” Button after which it is disabled again. A Patient detail can also be deleted by clicking “Delete” Button.
Patient Test Details
This data entry screen allows adding tests and updating the results/observations of test conducted for a Patient in the clinical lab. On top of the data entry screen the two radiobuttons are provided. On selecting “Enter Test” option user has to enter a registered patient’s ID and details about Doctor who recommended tests. When PID (patient Id) is entered, name of the patient is displayed in the adjoining label (Label10). User adds the tests to datagrid(dtgTests) by selecting the available tests from the combobox(cboTests). In the datagrid the test ID, Test Description and its corresponding charges are displayed and the charges are added to the payable amount textbox (txtTotAmt). The user can then enter the advance amount paid for the tests and balance amount is displayed in the balance textbox. On clicking the “Save” button the data is saved in two tables PatientTest and PatientTestDetails(from datagrid).
When the user has to update the test results/observations he selects the “Enter Test Result” radiobutton. The txtTID textbox gets enabled at top right corner and he has to enter the TID in the textbox. On pressing “Tab” the controls and the datagrid get filled with the existing “patient test” data. Now user can update the results in the last column of datagrid and save the results in PatientTestDetails table.
Next- Coding the Clinical Lab Test-Mini Project in VB.NET