Case Management Software for Lawyers- A Flask-PostgreSQL Project

The Case Management Software for Lawyers is a productivity improvement tool for a small law firm. This project is developed by considering the needs of a law firm to save all the data about its clients and their cases. The data includes personal details of clients, case details, hearing details and the payments received from clients.  

Database- Case Management Software for lawyers

The following data tables are used for Case Management Software database.

  • Clients- to save personal data of the client, her contact details, case title and type of case. Each case or client is assigned an attorney.
  • Hearings- To save the upcoming hearings of the case and the outcome of a hearing.
  • Payments- To maintain the date-wise case payments done by different clients. Other details about payment also stored for record.
  • Attorneys- to save the details of all the attorneys working with the law firm.
  • Users- to store users and their login details who can access this online application

Tasks implemented in the Online Software Application

The following tasks are implemented in the Case Management Software for lawyers-

  • When a user logs in the application, all tasks for today is listed on the dashboard as to-do list
  • Addition/editing users of the online software
  • Saving/editing  client and case details
  • Adding/Editing details of an attorney
  • Assigning attorney to a case
  • Adding an upcoming hearing of a specific case/client
  • Updating the outcome of a hearing completed
  • Recording the payments made by a client against her case activities
  • Display case details and hearings of one client
  • Display all payments details for a client
  • Display all tasks to be undertaken or have been undertaken for any chosen date from calendar

Interface and other Elements

When the user logs in, the dashboard of the Case Management Software for lawyers is presented to the user. The dashboard displays all the tasks about the cases of different clients pending for today. This is just like today’s to-do list for the law firm.

Case Management Software for lawyers

The upper left portion of the dashboard displays buttons –Client, Hearings, Attorneys, payments and Users. By clicking these buttons the user will be able to see all the records under a category. The last button is logout button to exit from the application.

The upper right portion of the dashboard displays icons –Client, Hearings, attorneys, payments, users and calendar. By clicking these icons the user will get the respective entry forms.  The user can enter the data in these input forms. The added data will be saved in database and immediately visible in the records lists available through the buttons on other side.

Case Management Software for lawyers is a small project for final year students. It is developed with Flask and PostgreSQL. Bootstrap is used for designing the interface and entry forms. If you need the complete code for this application, you can drop a mail at

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