An array is a collection of elements of same data type. VB.NET Control Array is an array whole elements are VB.NET controls of same type. In this post you will understand how to create VB.NET Control Array and apply in a .NET application.
What is a VB.NET Control Array?
A control arrays in VB.NET is an array of controls. These controls can be buttons, labels, text boxes, radio-buttons, check-boxes, or any other control that you want to use in your form application. A control array can be seen as a group of VB.NET controls of one type sharing the name and event procedures.
Each element of a control array or each control added to a control array is identified by an index or subscript given after the name of the array with in parentheses
Creating VB.NET Control Array
The Control Array can be created only in code not in design. They are created in the same way as you create an array using the built in data types. The syntax of declaring a control is as follows
Dim arrayName(integer upperBound) As ControlType
Dim arrayName() As ControlType
arrayName– is the name of the array
upperBound- the upperbound value in integer. The number of elements is one more than upperbound value
ControlType– is the VB.NET control whose array you need to create. It can be any control type available in VB.NET tools box.
These are control array declaration statements
Dim lblMessage(10) As Label ‘ a control array of 11 labels
Dim txtValues(8) As TextBox ‘ a control array of 9 Textboxes
Dim btnAction() As Button ‘ a control array of Buttons.
Dim rdbSelect(4) As RadioButton ‘ a control array of 5 Radiobuttons.
Advantages of Control Arrays
- Control arrays provide convenience to handle control elements of same type and function.
- For all the controls in the control array, a single event handler needs to be written. The index argument passed in the event procedure is used to identify the control that fired the event to be executed. It helps in reducing the code size considerably.
- The most important advantage is that control elements can be added dynamically at the time of execution which were not added at design time.
- Elements of control array share all the properties and event procedures. So, they require lesser resources than individual control elements. This is another reason of code size reduction
In this example, you will create a form that allows you to enter total sales for five years in textboxes. On clicking Calculate button, all the sales values of 5 years are added and displayed in the label under the button.
The labels and textboxes for reading sales values are created as Control Arrays of labels and textboxes respectively.
Design of Data Entry Form
In the design of the form, calculate Button(btnCalculate) and Label (lblTotal) for displaying the total sales of 5 years.
Data Entry Form at Runtime
When the form is executed, control arrays for Labels and Textboxes are declared. In the form_load event these control arrays elements are added and displayed on the form. When a user fills the values in textboxes and clicks the Calculate Button a for loop is used to get values from textbox control array and add them together in a variable total. After completing loop label lblTotal’s text property is set with variable total’s value.
Public Class Form1
Dim lblValues(4) As Label 'control array of labels
Dim txtValues(4) As TextBox 'control array of textboxes
Dim intCount As Integer
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
For intCount = 0 To 4
' Delcare text box and label variable that are added as elements of control arrays
Dim MyTextbox As New TextBox
Dim MyLabel As New Label
'Set left and top values of labels to define display position in the form
MyLabel.Left = 10
MyLabel.Top = 10 + 25 * intCount
'set the text of labels
MyLabel.Text = "Year " + CStr(intCount + 1)
'set width of the labels
MyLabel.Width = 50
'add newly created label as an element at the current index defined by intCount of the label control array
lblValues(intCount) = MyLabel
'add the label control array element on the form using controls collection
'Set left and top values of textboxes to define display position in the form
MyTextbox.Left = 100
MyTextbox.Top = 10 + 25 * intCount
'add newly created textbox as an element at the current index defined by intCount of the textbox control array
txtValues(intCount) = MyTextbox
'add the textbox control array element on the form using controls collection
End Sub
Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click
Dim total As Double ' variable to store sum of sales while iterating through control array of textboxes
For intCount = 0 To 4
'Add values from textboxes to variable total using += assignment operator
total += Val(txtValues(intCount).Text)
'change fore color of display label
lblTotal.ForeColor = Color.Red
'display total in label at form bottom
lblTotal.Text = "Total 5 years sales is " + CStr(total)
End Sub
End Class
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