Python List Slice lets you to extract sections of interest from a list. Slicing is done by specifying the start and end index with in square parenthesis with the name of the list name. The start and end index are separated by colon ‘:’. Python List Slice returns a Python List.
Syntax for Python List Slice
List_Name[ Start_Index: End_Index]
List_Name- Name of the list that has already been declared.
Start_Index – it’s the index from where you want to extract the list slice.
End_Index- It’s the index of the element before which you need to extract the elements. If you want to extract till 4th element then the End_Index should be specified as 5.
Important points for slicing
Consider this example of a python list
Its indices from left to right or right to left are displayed in the image below
- Indexes in a Python list are
- 0 to count-of-elements-1 ( if count of elements is 8 indexes are 0 to 7)
- –count-of-elements to -1 ( if count of elements is 10 indexes are -8 to -1)
- The indexes can be null. If Start_Index is Null it represents 0. If End_index is Null it represents index of last element.
- The Start_index must always be greater in value than the End_index.
- Both indexes can be empty, negative, positive or zero.
- A negative index refers to element’s position from the end. -1 represents the last element.
- If Start_Index is positive then End_index can be positive or negative. If positive slice will be created from Start_Index to End_index -1
- If Start_Index is negative then End_index can be
positive, negative or zero.
- If End_index is positive, slice will be created from Start_Index to End_index.
- If End_index is zero, slice will be created from the negative start index to the first element.
- If End_index is negative, it must be lesser than the start_index. Slice will be created from the negative start index to the element before the negative End_Index element.
Examples of Python List Slice
Undefined or Null Indexes
myShoppingList[:] // displays list of all elements
Output : [‘apples’, 12, ‘Grapes’, ‘toothpaste’, 1, ‘butter’, ‘shampoo’, ‘milk’]
myShoppingList[:5] // displays list from 0 to 4 index
Output: [‘apples’, 12, ‘Grapes’, ‘toothpaste’, 1]
myShoppingList[5:] // displays list from 5 to 7 index
Output: [‘butter’, ‘shampoo’, ‘milk’]
myShoppingList[-5:] :] // displays list from -5 to 7 index
Output: [‘toothpaste’, 1, ‘butter’, ‘shampoo’, ‘milk’]
myShoppingList[:-3] :] // displays list from 0 to -4 index
Output: [‘apples’, 12, ‘Grapes’, ‘toothpaste’, 1]
Positive Start_Index and End_Index
myShoppingList[3:6] // displays elements from index 3 to index 5
Output: [‘toothpaste’, 1, ‘butter’]
Positive Start_Index and negative End_Index
myShoppingList[3:-3] // displays elements from index 3 to fourth element from end (-3-1)
Output: [‘toothpaste’, 1]
myShoppingList[3:-6]// returns empty list since End_Index is less than Start_Index
Output: []
myShoppingList[2:-5]// returns single element list from index 2 to index -6(-5-1)
Output: [‘Grapes’]
myShoppingList[:-5]// since Start_Index is not assigned it is taken as 0. This returns elements from 0 index to 6th element from end or 3rd element from start
Output: [‘apples’, 12, ‘Grapes’]
Negative Start_Index and negative End_Index
myShoppingList[-1:-5]// Return Empty list as Start_Index is less than End_index
Output: []
myShoppingList[-5:-1] ]// Return list from end with Start_Index -5 to End_index -2
Output: [‘toothpaste’, 1, ‘butter’, ‘shampoo’]
Negative Start_Index and positive End_Index
myShoppingList[-7:6] ]// Return list from end with Start_Index -7 to End_index 5
Output: [12, ‘Grapes’, ‘toothpaste’, 1, ‘butter’]
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