Binary Search Tree is a non linear data structure that arranges elements in a certain pattern. In this Python Tree Data Structure if a new element’s value is less than current node’s data value, it is added in its left subtree. If new element’s value is greater than current node’s value, it must be added in its right subtree.
The exact position of insertion is found by comparing the value to be inserted from root to a leaf node. At each step it is compared with the current node. If smaller than the current node follow left subtree else follow right subtree. Repeat this process till it is located in BST or pointer returns NULL.
A Binary Search Tree is a good choice for sorting and storing indexes for efficient searching. Search performance of a BST is same as that of a Binary Search Algorithm O(log(n)).
Insertion in Binary Search Tree
- Let the element to be inserted is ITEM
- Create a new node NODE with ITEM as its data part
- Initialize CURR with root of Binary Search Tree and PAR with None
- Search ITEM in the Binary Search Tree till the item is found or we reach a leaf node without finding ITEM
- If ITEM matches the CURR ->DATA return PAR and CURR as address of parent node and current node respectively. Exit Insert operation since ITEM already exists
- If ITEM <CURR->DATA set PAR= CURR and CURR=CURR->LEFT to proceed to left subtree and find the location where the new node is to be inserted.
- If ITEM >CURR->DATA set PAR= CURR and CURR=CURR->RIGHT to proceed to right subtree and find the location where the new node is to be inserted.
- Insert the new node as child of PAR by setting
Deletion in Binary Search Tree
- Let the element to be deleted is ITEM.
- Initialize CURR with root of Binary Search Tree and PAR with None
- Search ITEM in the Binary Search Tree and get PAR (parent) and CURR(Item).
- If ITEM is a leaf node or a one-child parent node, delete it by setting LEFT or RIGHT pointers of parent node identified as PAR with appropriate value
- If ITEM is an internal node
- Find its INORDER successor SUC and successor’s parent PARSUC
- Delete successor SUC as in Step 4
- Replace ITEM with SUC by updating its parent’s pointer with SUC and its LEFT and RIGHT pointers with CURR’s LEFT and RIGHT pointers.
Traversals in Binary Search Tree
InOrder Traversal
- Traverse left subtree in InOrder
- Process the Node
- Traverse right subtree in InOrder
PreOrder Traversal
- Process the Node
- Traverse left subtree in PreOrder
- Traverse right subtree in PreOrder
PostOrder Traversal
- Traverse left subtree in PostOrder
- Traverse right subtree in PostOrder
- Process the Node
Python Tree Data Structure BST – Code
#Python Tree Data Structure- Binary Search Tree code with user defined #classes Node and BinarySearchTree class Node: def __init__(self, data=None, left=None, right=None): self.left=left self.right=right def __str__(self): return str( class BinarySearchTree: def __init__(self, root=None): self.root=root self.str="" def addNode(self, value=None): node=Node(value) par=None if self.root==None: print("Rood added ->",value) self.root=node else: curr=self.root while curr: if break elif>value: par=curr curr=curr.left else: par=curr curr=curr.right if value> print("Adding in right of ",," new node ", value) par.right=node else: print("Adding in left of ",," new node ", value) par.left=node def delNode(self, value=None): curr=self.root par=None while curr: if if (curr.left!= None) and (curr.right!=None): self.twochild(par,curr) return else: self.onechild(par,curr) return elif value> par=curr curr=curr.right else: par=curr curr=curr.left def onechild(self, par=None,ptr=None): if ptr.left!=None: child=ptr.left elif ptr.right!=None: child=ptr.right else: child=None if ptr==par.left: par.left=child else: par.right=child def twochild(self, par=None,ptr=None): parsuc=ptr suc=ptr.right while parsuc=suc onechild(parsuc,suc) suc.left=ptr.left suc.right=ptr.right if ptr==par.left: par.left=suc else: par.right=suc def InTrav(self, ptr=None): curr=ptr if (curr): self.InTrav(curr.left) print( self.InTrav(curr.right) def PreTrav(self, ptr=None): curr=ptr if (curr): print( self.InTrav(curr.left) self.InTrav(curr.right) def PostTrav(self, ptr=None): curr=ptr if (curr): self.InTrav(curr.left) self.InTrav(curr.right) print( bst= BinarySearchTree() inval=str(input("Enter the value for BST separated by commas")) inarr=inval.split(",") for i in range(len(inarr)): bst.addNode(int(inarr[i])) print("Traversal in Inorder") bst.InTrav(bst.root) print("Traversal in Preorder") bst.PreTrav(bst.root) print("Traversal in Postorder") bst.PostTrav(bst.root) inval=int(input("Enter the value to be deleted:")) bst.delNode(inval) print("Traversal after deletion") bst.InTrav(bst.root)
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