SQL UNION, UNION ALL, INTERSECT and MINUS are set operations to help you to get the required data from multiple tables. It is basically application of Set Theory formulas on the rows returned by multiple SELECT Statements to get collective rows as single output.
Condition for SQL Union, Union All, Intersect and Minus
- To get data from multiple tables using these set operators, all the SELECT statements should have the same number of columns
- The data type of columns in all the SELECT the clauses must be same.
- If the data types of columns of different SELECT clauses are not exactly same then they should be convertible into the data types of the columns of the first SELECT Clause.
Syntax for SQL Union, Union All, Intersect and Minus queries
SELECT column name[s] FROM table1
SELECT column name[s] FROM table1
You can perform the set operations on more than two SELECT statements with conditions mentioned above.
Examples of SQL Union, Union All, Intersect and Minus Set Operators
The tables used in the following examples are Students and StudentFee. Both the tables have a common column stuID. All the following set operator queries display stuID as output. The students table has 10 records and StudentFee table has 8 records.
The Union set operator is same as in the Set Theory. It returns the union of output of the select statements combined with keyword UNION. It means that if both the SELECT statements have common values they are eliminated in the final result. The column headers are taken from the first SELECT Statement.
select stuID from students
select stuID from studentFee
In the output all the stuID column values from two SELECT Statements are displayed in the final output. It excludes any duplicates generated by the two SELECT Statements. This query returns 13 rows 10 from students and 3 unique from StudentFee.

Union All
The Union All returns the union of the outputs of the select statements combined with keyword UNION ALL. If the individual SELECT statements have common values they are included in the final result.
select stuID from students
Union All
select stuID from studentFee
This statement returns 18 rows in total. It includes 10 rows from students table and 8 rows from studentFee table. Duplicate rows are not eliminated.

The INTERSECT set operator returns only the common rows of the outputs of the select statements combined with keyword INTERSECT. The common rows from the outputs of individual SELECT statements are included in the final result.
select stuID from students
select stuID from studentFee
This statement returns 5 rows in total. From 10 rows from students table and 8 from studentFee table the common rows are displayed.

The MINUS set operator returns rows from the output of first select excluding those present in the output of the second SELECT statement.
select stuID from students
select stuID from studentFee
This statement returns 4 rows in total. The rows returned are from the first SELECT statement excluding those present in output of the second SELECT statement.

Where Clause with Set Operators
You can filter rows by defining WHERE clause in individual SELECT Statements.
select stuid from students where stuname like'j%'
select stuid from studentfee where feepaid=200
The SELECT statements return the rows after the individual WHERE clause condition and UNION operator joins these filtered rows.

Order By Clause with Set Operators
You cannot add the ORDER BY clause with individual SELECT statements. ORDER BY clause can only be added to the last SELECT statements.
select stuid from students
union all
select stuid from studentfee order by stuid
The SELECT statements return the rows. After the rows are combined with UNION operator the final combined rows are ordered.

Example Tables- Structure and Insert Statements
create table students
(stuID number(4),
stuName varchar2(30),
stuClass varchar2(10)
insert into students values (101,'John','MSc-I');
insert into students values (102,'Cena','MSc-I');
insert into students values (103,'Heran','MSc-II');
insert into students values (104,'Bella','MSc-I');
insert into students values (105,'Bianca','MSc-II');
insert into students values (106,'Jeo','MSc-II');
insert into students values (107,'Katy','MSc-I');
insert into students values (108,'Lena','MSc-II');
insert into students values (109,'Carrey','MSc-I');
insert into students values (110,'Zoe','MSc-I');
create table studentfee
(stuID number(4),
feeDate date,
feePaid number(8,2)
insert into studentfee values (101,'09-Mar-20',200);
insert into studentfee values (102,'09-Mar-20',200);
insert into studentfee values (103,'09-Mar-20',300);
insert into studentfee values (107,'09-Mar-20',200);
insert into studentfee values (110,'09-Mar-20',200);
insert into studentfee values (111,'09-Mar-20',200);
insert into studentfee values (112,'09-Mar-20',300);
insert into studentfee values (113,'09-Mar-20',200);
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