Java Greatest of Three Numbers Program reads three numbers from the user and returns the greatest among them. The program is created by using Nested-If Statement for comparing the three numbers.
The logic of the program is as discussed –
- In first if condition number 1 is compared with number 2 and number 2 is compared with number 3. If both these conditions are true then number1 will be printed as the greatest.
- In the else part of first If statement, number2 is compared with number 1 and number 3. If both these conditions become true then number2 is printed as the greatest among three numbers.
- If the both If statements prior to this else are false then number 3 is printed as the greatest.
Java Greatest of Three Numbers Code
Let’s see how the above logic is implemented as program in Java Greatest of Three Numbers.
//Program to read three numbers and find and print the largest Number import java.util.*; public class GreatestOfThree { public static void main(String[] args) { //Create a scanner object Scanner scObj = new Scanner (; // Declare three number variables int intNum1, intNum2, intNum3; //Read three numberd frp=om user System.out.println("Enter First Number"); intNum1=scObj.nextInt(); System.out.println("Enter Second Number"); intNum2=scObj.nextInt(); System.out.println("Enter Third Number"); intNum3=scObj.nextInt(); //Check first number for greatest if(intNum1>=intNum2 && intNum2>=intNum3) System.out.println(intNum1+" is the Greatest Number"); //Check second number for greatest else if (intNum2>=intNum1 && intNum2>=intNum3) System.out.println(intNum2+" is the Greatest Number"); else //else third number is greatest System.out.println(intNum3+" is the Greatest Number"); } }
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