The formatting tags are used for text formatting of the web page content. It means the presentation of the characters can be controlled using HTML physical formatting tags. By enclosing text in the Text Formatting tags you tell the browser how the text must look like.
Tags for Text Formatting
The text formatting tags will present the enclosed text in Bold, Italicized, Underlined or stricken through. It also makes text smaller than normal, larger than normal, bigger than normal, as subscript, as superscript or teletyped. So, let’s understand these tags.
Bold Tag <B></B>
Bold tag is a paired tag. Text can be displayed as heavier than the normal text to emphasize the text’s importance in comparison to the rest of content. This feature is available in all the word editors and is highly useful in web pages also. This tag can be used in combination with other HTML tags.
Italics Tag <I></I>
Italics tag is a paired tag. Typography is the presentation of the text. In typography Italics is used to present the text in calligraphic form to give a stylish look or to give quotes within usual text. The text appears to be a bit slanting than the normal text. This tag can also be used in combination with other HTML tags.
Underlined Tag <U></U>
Underline tag is a paired tag. Sometimes the text’s importance can be highlighting by underlining it. This tag can be used to underline the text. The underlined text can be bold or italics. So we can say that like other text formatting tags this one also can be used in combination with other HTML text formatting tags.
Strike Tag <STRIKE></STRIKE>
Strike tag is a paired tag. This tag is used to display the text with a line passing through it. It is very commonly used by website owners to strike out an unwanted text but still let the visitors see the omitted text along with new text. For example if a company has extended date of application for an employment, they want the people to see both the old and new dates, they can use this text formatting tag to strike the old date. This tag is also be used in combination with other HTML formatting tags.
Small Tag <SMALL></SMALL>
Small tag is a paired tag. Text can be displayed as smaller than the normal text to break the normalcy of the complete text. It is another way to capture focus of viewers so that they carefully read the text with smaller size. This tag can be used in combination with other HTML tags.
Big Tag <BIG></BIG>
Big tag is a paired tag. Text can be displayed as bigger than the normal text to make some specific text easy visible among other characters. It is another way to lay focus on the text that must be compulsorily and easily read by all the visitors. This tag can also be used in combination with other HTML tags.
Subscript Tag <SUB></SUB>
Subscript tag is a paired tag. Text can be displayed smaller than the normal text but lying at a lower level than the level of its prior text. This is very common way to represent names belonging to same type for example identifying the array elements. This tag can also be used in combination with other HTML tags.
Superscript Text Formatting <SUP></SUP>
Superscript tag is a paired tag. Text can be displayed smaller than the normal text which is displayed at a higher level than the level of its prior text. This is very common technique used to show “raised to power” values in mathematical or scientific formulae. This tag can also be used in combination with other HTML tags.
Teletype Text Tag <TT></TT>
Teletype text tag is a paired tag. Text can be displayed with a smaller size than the default text of a webpage using monospace font. This is very common way to show that the text is typed as typewriter text or to show the text as programming code. This tag can also be used in combination with other HTML tags.
<TITLE> Welcome to </TITLE> <HTML> <B> Hello and welcome to the CSVeda World</B> <I> We try to enhance your knowledge with easy to understand tutorials</I> <U> This is the tutorial to make you understand character/text formatting in web pages </U> we started this tutorial <STRIKE>2 years</STRIKE> 3 years back <SMALL> It was started as a hobbyist project.</SMALL><BIG> Over 3 years it has growm BIG</BIG> Year<SUB>1</SUB>, Year<SUB>2</SUB> and Year<SUB>3</SUB> were magical. We will grow x<SUP>2</SUP> times next year. We offer theory topics as well as <TT> Easy to learn tricks of programming</TT> </HTML>