Logical means anything which is direct and implicit. HTML logical formatting tags describe the content according to the name of the tag used with the text. The Logical formatting tags tell the web browser that the text enclosed in the tag is just the normal text. If the browser understands the tag it will be displayed according to the logical meaning of the tag. The HTML logical formatting tags will be displayed differently by different browsers.
HTML Logical Formatting Tags
All the text tags discussed as HTML logical formatting tags are paired tags. These tags can be used with other text formatting tags or logical formatting tags. While using the logical tags you will observe that the use of logical formatting tags will display text with same effect as that of HTML text formatting tags that you already know about.
The acronym is a well known method to display the short form/acronym that can be repeatedly used in text. This tag is used to present the acronyms or abbreviations in an HTML document.
Citation <CITE></CITE>
Citation is the way to present the title or reference of a book or a research paper in books or papers. The text enclosed in the citation tag is displayed as italicized text.
Code <CODE></CODE>
Many tutorials website may need to display the programming codes or scripts in their pages. For that it will be more meaningful if coding segment is displayed as code. The text enclosed in <CODE> tag will be displayed as programming code with monospace font.
Definition <DFN></DFN>
If you are creating academic web page you may need to write certain terms and their definitions. The text enclosed in this tag will be displayed in italics as a term that is being defined. Different browsers display the tag content in different ways.
Emphasized <EM></EM>
Emphasized tag display the text in italics. The text is emphasized by presenting in slanting text format.
Inserted <INS></INS>
This is another way to underline the text to show that this is the text inserted within other text. This tag behaves like <U></U> tag to underline the text.
Keyboard <KBD></KBD>
The text enclosed the keyboard tags will be displayed as keyboard input. The text is displayed as plain fixed width font.
Sample <SAMP></SAMP>
The text enclosed in the Sample tag will be displayed as sample text in a web page. The text is displayed as fixed width font.
The text enclosed the strong tag will be displayed with a font with stronger look. It will be applicable on the font that is currently being used to display page text.
Variable <VAR></VAR>
If you are making a website that provides programming code samples for your visitors and you need to differentiate between normal text and variables then VAR logical formatting tag will come handy. The text will be of fixed width but slanting in appearance.
Example of HTML Logical Formatting Tags
<TITLE> Welcome to CSVeda.com </TITLE> <HTML> <B> Hello and welcome to the CSVeda World <acronym>CSV</Acronym></B> <DFN>BEGINNING</DFN>we started this tutorial <EM>2 years</EM> 3 years back <INS> It was started as a hobbyist project.</INS><KBD> Over 3 years it has growm BIG</KBD> <STRONG> These years were magical. We will grow manifolds times next year.</STRONG> <SAMP>Samples of our work can be seen in home page</SAMP> <VAR>int x; int y; int z; </VAR> <CODE> int x,y,z; z=x+y; printf(z); </CODE> <CITE> This text is owned by CSVeda.com</CITE> </HTML>
Output in Google Chrome
Output in Internet Explorer