Geographic Information System or GIS is a very interesting technology used to map and analyze any events that take place on the surface of the earth. It is very useful for large enterprises to use this for the purposes of planning, predicting, and explaining various events.
GIS also enhances various technologies. GIS has a large hold in geographic analysis and the mapmaking industry. It is now taught at many schools and employs many around the world. GIS brings all types of data together based on the geographic component of the data.
Components of Geographic Information System
Key components of software used for Geographic Information System are DBMS, Data manipulation and input tools. GUI or Graphical User Interfaces also play a crucial role for easy access and understanding.
Hardware used for the purpose of GIS can vary from centralized computers to desktops used in any mixture of network or standalone configurations.
Data is the key component in GIS environment. Geographic and tabular data is collected in tabular form for developing analytical solutions
This includes all the successfully developed GIS that follow all the business rules
The people that manage the system and develop solutions for real world problems are the backbone of GIS. Some roles in GIS include customers, technical specialists, database managers etc.
Map data that is used in a Geographic Information system can come in various formats such as Base maps, Business maps, reference maps, environmental maps and so on.
How does GIS work?
GIS technology uses a multi-layered data storage architecture that contains collections of thematic layers that when combined construes to a geographical location. It plays vital roles in solving numerous real-time problems such as atmospheric modeling, planning and tracking vehicles.
GIS uses geographic science for the purpose of understanding and collaborating. It helps people to gain actionable intelligence from various forms of data.
Various open-source GIS tools such as QGIS, SNAP can be used for implementing GIS in a business application. The feature that sets apart GIS from others is its ability to analyze and visualize the data.
Some Applications of Geographic Information system
- Works as an analytical tool to make better and automated decisions.
- GIS technology is also used in the planning and structuring of land.
- Creating maps in a flexible manner
- Integration of resources in a large organization
Unknowingly we use GIS almost every day of our lives. GIS can show multi-layered structure of information in a way that the user can analyze, visualize and manage the information in a befitting way.
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