ASP.NET- Introduction

ASP.NET is Microsoft’s leading technology for creating web applications. It has remained a good contender among many server side scripting and framework technologies like PHP and Ruby on Rails. The  biggest advantage of web application development is the ease of creating applications.

ASP.NET is framework for web application, dynamic website and web services development using server side scripting capabilities of VB.NET and C#. ASP.NET is the successor of Microsoft’s Active Server Pages with the power of .NET’s Common Language Runtime (CLR). It allows programmer to choose any .NET supported scripting language. Moreover with CLR objects defined in different .NET languages can interact with each other.

Features of ASP.NET

ASP.NET has many features that make it a preferred framework to create impressive and high performing web applications and services.  A few characteristic features are

Object Oriented Programming Model

Being purely Object Oriented programming model ASP.NET framework offers a managed environment for development. Various elements of a ASP.Net web application follow control based architecture and coding is event driven. This paradigm is excellent to make intuitive user friendly applications. The core rules of encapsulation and re-usability are the basis of ASP.NET development. From simple to complex applications like e-commerce platforms can be created easily that are even easier to maintain and deploy.

ASP.NET- Integrated Development Environment

Ever Since ASP is integrated with Visual Studio .NET designing an developing applications has been much easier. Developers get everything they need in this framework that makes coding faster and easier. It comes with

  • A convenient UI designer
  • A variety of tools in tool box
  • Integrated debugger
  • ability to test the applications on your preferred browser or an emulator
  • Capability to connect with database
  • Analysis of the application on performance and other metrics

Language Independence

While developing an ASP.NET application developers can chose any .NET supported language like C#, VB.NET, J#.NET, Python, Visual F#, Visual C++ etc. Common Language Runtime generates the Intermediate Language code after Compilation. The application can run on any browser used by a user.

Inbuilt Validation Controls

Validation and sending correct data from the application to the database or for processing is the easiest task in this framework. A web developer can place a validation control next to a control and link them by setting the ControlToValidate property. It works and validates the input without writing even a single line of code.

Efficiency and High Performance

The efficiency can be contributed to fact that the CLR creates Intermediate Language that makes web pages or services run on any browser. It reduces loading and execution time since final components are compiled on demand and executed. It reduces stress on the web server. ASP.Net is characterised by early binding, native code optimization and JIT compilation and caching services.

XML for Data Exchange

XML is a worldwide standard to exchange data across networked machines. ASP.NET supports XML completely making it possible to exchange data among a variety of machines.

Secure Applications

ASP.NET applications offer an auto-generated default set of authorization and authentication schemes. A developer can modify these schemes according to the need of the application making it highly secure against any unauthorised access or data breach. The management of sessions and cookies is very easy with ASP.NET.

ADO.NET Support

Applications can be built using ADO.NET to handle data from a range of proprietary and open source databases.

Read More details at the official site