Quadratic equation is most popular equation to solve many scientific problems. In mathematics a quadratic equation is defined as a polynomial equation with degree 2 using single variable. We can Solve Quadratic Equation using the standard formula.
It is written as
ax^2 + bx + c= 0
Such that a, b and c ∈ R and a ≠ 0. The values of a, b and c are called coefficients of the terms with degree of 2, 1 and 0 respectively. The quadratic equation always defined with single variable. The values of a, b and c that satisfy the quadratic equation are called the roots of the quadratic equation. The quadratic equation will always be solvable by exactly two roots. The roots are real or imaginary.
The formula to calculate two roots of the quadratic equation is
(y,z)= (-b (+/-) squareroot(b^2-4*a*c))/2* a
(+/-) allows you to create two roots with this formula, one by addition and one by subtraction.
Type of roots of Quadratic Equation
Depending on the value of D= b^2-4*a*c the roots are
- Real and unequal if D>0
- Real and equal id D=0
- Imaginary and unequal if D<0
To calculate the roots we simply put the values of coefficients in the formula given and calculate two values using + and – between –b and D =(squareroot(b^2-4*a*c))
Here are the program codes to Solve Quadratic Equation.
Java Code
import java.io.*; import java.lang.Math; import java.lang.String; public class QuadEq { void CalRoot(int a, int b, int c ) { double root1=0.0, root2=0.0; //initialise empty string for storing quadratic equation String str=""; //calculate roots root1= (int)(-b+Math.sqrt(b*b-4*a*c))/(2*a); root2= (int)(-b-Math.sqrt(b*b-4*a*c))/(2*a); //create the string of quadratic equation str=String.valueOf(a)+"X^2"; if (b<0) str=str+String.valueOf(b)+"X^1"; else str=str+"+"+String.valueOf(b)+"X^1"; if (c<0) str=str+String.valueOf(c)+"X^0"; else str=str+"+"+String.valueOf(c)+"X^0"; //display equation and roots System.out.println("\nThe Quadratic Equation "+str); System.out.println("Root 1="+(int)root1); System.out.println("Root 2="+(int)root2); } public static void main(String args[]) { //initialise variables int a=1, b=3, c=-10; // declare object QuadEq qe = new QuadEq(); //call the object method qe.CalRoot(a,b,c); } }
C Code
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<math.h> main() { //Variable declaration int a,b,c, root1, root2; //Read the Coeffiecients of Quadratic Equation from user printf("\nEnter a the Coefficient of X^2 : "); scanf("%d",&a); printf("\nEnter b the Coefficient of X^1 : "); scanf("%d",&b); printf("\nEnter c the Coefficient of X^0 : "); scanf("%d",&c); //Calculate Roots root1= (-b+sqrt(b*b-4*a*c))/(2*a); root2= (-b-sqrt(b*b-4*a*c))/(2*a); // Display quadratic equantion as string printf("\nThe Quadratic Equation %dX^2",a); if (b<0) printf("%dX^1",b); else printf("+%dX^1",b); if (c<0) printf("%dX^0\n",c); else printf("+%dX^1\n",c); // Print Calculated Roots printf("Root 1=%d\n",root1); printf("Root 2=%d\n",root2); }
Python Code
import math #Input quadratic equation coefficients a=int(input("Enter a the Coefficient of X^2 : ")) b=int(input("Enter b the Coefficient of X^1 : ")) c=int(input("Enter c the Coefficient of X^0 : ")) try: #calculate roots root1= (-b+math.sqrt(b*b-4*a*c))/(2*a) root2= (-b-math.sqrt(b*b-4*a*c))/(2*a) #display Quadratic equation qe=str(a)+"X^2" if (b<0): qe=qe+str(b)+"X^1" else: qe=qe+"+"+str(b)+"X^1" if (c<0): qe=qe+str(c)+"X^0" else: qe=qe+"+"+str(c)+"X^0" #display equation and roots print("\nThe Quadratic Equation ",qe, " have:") print("Root 1=",int(root1)) print("Root 2=",int(root2)) except ValueError: print("Roots cannot be calculated due to wrong coefficients")